Cast Iron Electrodes
Description: An electrode with ferronickel core wire for welding of cast iron having excellent operating characteristics like smooth and steady arc, minimum spatter, positional welding and easy slag removal. Weld deposit possess superior strength and deposit is machinable.
Principal Application: Suitable for strength welding of cast iron either in cold condition or with moderate preheat, joining of cast iron to steel. Ideal for broken casting, pump housing, gears, pulleys, engine heads, impellers, machine parts, moulds, rope drums, welding of nodular irons and malleable irons subjected to heavy wear.
Typical Weld Metal Properties:
Hardness: 170-200 VPN
Current condition: AC70/DC+,-
Packing : Plastic Packet
Description: A monel cored electrode giving a machinable deposit of Ni-Cu alloy for welding of cast iron. The operating characteristics of electrode is very good including steady and smooth arc, controlled molten slag-metal pool and easy slag detachability. The weld deposit is machinable.
Principal Application:For repair of cracks and fractures of C.I. casting, fabricating cast iron machine components, welding cast iron to mild steel, filling up of blow holes and other casting defects, rectification error, building up worn out surfaces, gear teeth, pump casting, pump impellers etc. Weld deposit provides color matching with cast iron body.
Welding position & Current condition: AC50/DC+-
Typical Weld Metal Properties:
Hardness: 160-190 VPN
Current condition: AC70/DC+,-
Packing : Plastic Packet
Description: A nickel cored electrode for welding of cast iron depositing almost pure nickel weld metal with excellent operating characteristics like smooth and stable arc, minimum spatter, good positional welding capability and easy slag removal. The deposit is very tough and crack the resistant comes here the job can be done with no or minimum pre heating. The weld deposit is machinable.
Principal Application: Suitable for welding, repairing and building up of all weldable cast iron. Ideal for joining broken pumps, cracks in heavy castings, machine parts, repair or blowholes, joining of cast iron to steel specially under stressed condition of joint etc.
Typical Weld Metal Properties:
Hardness: 130-170 VPN
Packing : Plastic Packet
Current condition: AC70/DC+,-
Description: A hydrogen controlled medium heavy coated electrode providing non-machinable weld deposit weld on cast iron. The component for welding needs preheating if the section is thick and complicated. It gives a rigid and strong weld joint on cast iron..
Principal Application: Repair of cast iron parts where machine is not of importance and primary consideration. Also suitable for welding of cast iron to mild steel.
Typical Weld Metal Properties:
Hardness: Non- Machinable