Stainless Steel Electrodes

CLASSIC SS 308 AWS., A5.4 : E308-16

Description: Stainless steel electrode yielding a weld metal of 18 Cr and 9 Ni shows good resistant to cracking, corrosion and scaling up to 800’C. Ferrite control ensures good cracking resistant of deposited metal.

Principal Application: Welding grades- AISI 304, 308, 308L and similar grades. Storage tank, pipes, furniture’s, dairy equipment.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

Y.S(N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
575 35 120 at RT 5-7

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn S S&P P Ni
0.05 1.00 0.55 0.030 18.8 9.20

CLASSIC SS 308 L AWS., A5.4 : E308L-16

Description: Stainless steel electrode yielding a weld metal of 18 Cr and 9 Ni and Carbon 0.03%. Deposited metal shows controlled ferrite, good resistant to cracking, corrosion resistant.

Principal Application: JWelding grades- Storage tanks, dairy equipment, furniture etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S(N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
540 38 120 at RT 3-6

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn S S&P Cr Ni
0.025 1.25 0.45 0.030 19.20 9.20

CLASSIC SS 308L-15 AWS., A5.4 : E308L-15

Description: Semi-basic coated stainless electrode yielding a weld metal of 18 Cr and 9 Ni. Deposited metal shows good resistant to cracking, corrosion and scaling up to 850’C. Good impact props.

Principal Application: Welding grades- AISI 304, 308, 308L and similar grades. Storage tank, pipes, furniture’s, dairy equipment.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S(N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
555 37 40 at -196 4-6

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn S S&P Cr Ni
0.03 1.80 0.55 0.030 18.8 9.20

CLASSIC SS 309 AWS., A5.4 : E309-16

Description: Rutile base stainless steel electrode ensures inter-granular corrosion resistant and yielding a weld metal of 23 Cr and 12 Ni. Deposited radiographic quality metal shows good resistance to corrosion and oxidation in service up to 1100’C.

Principal Application: Welding grades- AISI 309 similar grades and carbon steel to SS, cladding etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S(N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
620 34 65 at RT 7-14

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si S P
0.028 1.15 0.55 23.10 12.50

CLASSIC SS 309 L AWS., A5.4 : E309L-16

Description: Rutile base stainless steel low carbon electrode ensures inter-granular corrosion resistance and yielding a weld metal of 23 Cr and 12 Ni. Deposited radiographic quality metal shows good resistance to corrosion and oxidation in service up to 1100’C.

Principal Application: Principal application: Welding grades- AISI 309 similar grades and carbon steel to SS, cladding etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S(N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
620 34 65 at RT 7-14

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn S Cr Ni
0.028 1.15 0.55 23.10 12.50

CLASSIC SS 309 Mo AWS., A5.4 : E309Mo-16

Description: Austenitic stainless steel electrode yielding a weld metal of 23 Cr, 12 Ni and 2 Mo. The high alloy and ferrite content ensures the resistance to hot cracking and brittle in dissimilar steel difficult to mild steel.

Principal Application: Welding grades- AISI 316, 309,309 Mo, low alloy steel dissimilar grades. Buffer on low, hardenable steel before welding with 316, armor plate etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S(N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
620 34 65 at RT 9-14

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn S Cr Ni
0.028 1.15 0.55 23.10 2.50

CLASSIC SS 309Cb AWS., A5.4 : E309Cb-16

Description: Stainless steel electrolyte yielding a weld metal of 23 Cr and 12 Ni. Deposited metal shows excellent resistance to inter-granular cracking and good strength at elevated temperature 1100’C.

Principal Application: Welding grades- AISI 309Cb and similar steel, joining of 347 to low alloy, carbon steel. Buffer on low and hardenable steel.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
620 34 100 at RT 7-12

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn S Cr Ni Cb
0.055 1.15 0.65 23.00 12.20 0.80

CLASSIC SS 310 AWS., A5.4 : E310-16

Description: Stainless steel electrolyte yielding a fully austenitic weld metal of 25Cr and 20Ni. Deposited metal shows good resistant to hot cracking under restrain and oxidation and scaling up to 1200’C

Principal Application: Welding similar steel, wrought and cast form, straight chrome and dissimilar steel, Hydro-generation and polymerization plant, gas turbine combustion chamber parts furnace parts etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
650 30 50 at RT 0-0

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni
0.06 1.25 0.65 26.10 20.50

CLASSIC SS 312 AWS., A5.4 : E312-16

Description: Stainless steel electrolyte yielding a weld metal of 28Cr and 8Ni. Deposited metal shows good resistant to cracking, corrosion and hot cracking. High ferrite control ensures good cracking resistance of deposited metal.

Principal Application: Welding of similar and dissimilar grades, difficult to weld steel, buffer layer before hard-facing with chrome carbide.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
680 34 65 at RT 35-40

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
0.055 1.15 0.65 28.50 8.50 0.50

CLASSIC SS 316 AWS., A5.4 : E316-16

Description: Stainless steel electrolyte yielding a weld metal of 18Cr and 12Ni and 2.5 Mo. Radiographic quality deposited metal shows good creep strength and resistant to scaling up to 850’C. Ferrite control ensures good cracking resistance of deposited metal.

Principal Application: Welding grades AISI 316. Equipment’s in chemical industries, pulp and paper-industry, paint and die industries.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
550 36 100 at RT 4-7

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
0.055 1.15 0.65 18.10 12.50 2.50

CLASSIC SS 316L AWS., A5.4 : E316L-16

Description: Stainless steel, low carbon electrolyte yielding a weld metal of 18Cr and 12Ni and 2.5 Mo. Radiographic quality deposited metal shows good creep resistant and inter-granular corrosion in seven environments like hot acids, resistance to chloride pitting corrosion and scaling up to 850’C.

Principal Application: Best suitable in area welding grades AISI 316, 316L, 317. Equipment’s in chemical industries, pulp and paper-industry, paint and die industries, fertilizers etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
520 38 120 at RT 4-7

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
0.03 1.15 0.65 18.50 12.50 2.50

CLASSIC SS 317L AWS., A5.4 : E317L-16

Description: Stainless steel, low carbon electrolyte yielding a weld metal of 19Cr and 13Ni and 3Mo alloy with excellent resistance to chemical corrosion and stress corrosion cracking at elevated temperature. Deposited metal shows good resistant to creep. Ferrite control ensures good chemical resistance of deposited metal.

Principal Application: Welding grades AISI 316, 317 and similar grades.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
580 36 85 at RT 4-8

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
0.03 1.10 0.65 19.50 13.00 3.30

CLASSIC SS 318 AWS., A5.4 : E318-16

Description: Stainless steel semi-basic electrolyte yielding a weld metal of 18Cr and 12Ni and 2.4Mo alloy with excellent resistance to inter-granular corrosion and pitting corrosion. The electrode having good operational properties.

Principal Application: Welding of niobium and titanium added stabilized grades steel and joining of similar grades. Chemical plants, paint, bleaching industry, pickling plant etc.

WWelding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
580 34 75 at RT 0-8

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo Cb
0.055 1.25 0.50 18.50 12.50 2.50 0.60

CLASSIC SS 347 AWS., A5.4 : E347-16

Description: A low carbon rutile type electrode deposits 19Cr, 9Ni stabilized weld produces good crack resistant properties at elevated temperatures and restrict carbide precipitation up to 400’C so inter-granular corrosion.

Principal Application: Welding grades AISI 304, 308, 347, 321 and similar grades. Storage tank, chemical equipment, food, soap industries etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
600 35 75 at RT 5.8

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Ni Cb
0.045 1.20 0.60 9.50 0.50

CLASSIC SS 385 AWS., A5.4 : E385-16

Description: Specially formulated Stainless steel electrode yielding extra low carbon, 20Cr-25Ni weld metal having excellent resistant to sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, formic acid, oxalic acid, acetic acid, fatty acids etc.

Principal Application: Suitable for welding of Carpenter 20, HV9, HV9A, Uranus B-6, UHB904L, Sandvik 2RK65 and other equivalent grades.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
570 32 65 at RT

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Cb Cu
0.025 2.15 0.65 20.00 24.50 0.50 1.60

CLASSIC SS-B410 AWS., A5.4 : E410-15

Description: A specially formulated hydrogen controlled Stainless steel electrode yielding a weld metal of 13Cr alloy for welding of martensitic chrome steels. The weld ment should undergo pre-heating and stress relieving to achieve desired properties.

Principal Application: Welding grades AISI 401, 405, 414, 420 and similar grades. Turbine component, valve seats, impellers, pump parts etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
580 22 65 at RT

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni
0.065 0.75 0.65 12.4 0.40

CLASSIC SS-B410 NiMo AWS., A5.4 : E410 NiMo-16

Description: A hard surfacing electrode with operating characteristics and giving weld is corrosion, erosion and pitting resistant. Resistance to abrasion is outstanding.

Principal Application: Surfacing of castings of similar composition, welding of guide vanes and runners, hard surfacing of high pressure valves and valve seats, chemical-petrochemical industries.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) Hardness
730 15 350 BHN

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo Cu
0.06 1.10 max 0.9 max 11-12.5 4-5 0.4-0.7 0.75 max

CLASSIC SS-B430 AWS., A5.4 : E430-15

Description: Stainless steel hydrogen controlled electrode yielding a weld metal of 17Cr alloy for welding of straight chrome steel and equivalent composition. Preheat and post heat of welding is required to get the desired properties.

Principal Application: Welding grades AISI 430, 431 and similar grades, valve, impeller, turbine blades, oil refineries, chemical food, oil burners etc.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
620 34 65 at RT 7-14

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni
0.075 0.75 0.50 17.10 0.0

CLASSIC SS-Mn AWS., A5.4 : ~E307-16

Description: Stainless steel controlled electrode yielding a weld metal of 18Cr and 8Ni and 6Mn type working alloy. Deposit metal is highly tough and crack resistant and offers resistance to abrasion, erosion, friction.

Principal Application: Joining and overlying of Mn steel components like dredger bulldozer noses, points and crossings etc. Also suitable for joining Mn steel to other steel and used as buffer layers.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
600 34 85 at RT

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
0.08 6.15 0.65 18.10 8.0 0.35

CLASSIC SS-Mn Special AWS., A5.4 : ~E307-15

Description: Stainless steel, basic coated electrode yielding a weld metal of 18Cr and 8Ni. Deposited metal shows good toughness and resistant to cracking, abrasion, erosion, friction and impact due to its unique work hardening nature.

Principal Application: Joining and overlying of Mn steel components like dredger buckets, bulldozer noses, points and crossings etc. Also suitable for joining Mn steel to other steel and used as buffer layers.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing : Cardboard

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
600 34 85 at RT

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo
0.08 6.15 0.65 18.10 8.0 0.55

CLASSIC SS DUPLEX AWS., A5.4 : E2209-16 BSEN : E2293 NLR 32

Description: Duplex stainless electrode yielding a weld metal of duplex metal structure, contains approximately 40% ferrite and rest is austenite. The electrode is designed to weld similar grade of materials and metal shows excellent combination of strength and chloride induces pitting and stress corrosion cracking resistance.

Principal Application: Offshore plate form pipe work, pipelines transporting chloride bearing products and sour gases. Cast pumps, valve bodies and sea water handling equipment.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
750 25 75 at RT 35-40

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo N2 Cu
0.035 1.60 0.65 22.50 8.50 3.0 0.12 0.75


Description: A rutile coated super duplex stainless steel electrode yielding a weld metal of 25Cr, 9Ni, 3Mo, 2Cu and 0.2N with extra low carbon, a super duplex metal structure, contains approximately 50% ferrite and rest is austenite. The electrode is designed to weld similar grades of materials and metal shows excellent resistance to (CSCC).

Principal Application: Offshore plate form pipe work, pipelines transporting chloride bearing products and sour gases. Cast pumps, valve bodies and sea water handling equipment chemical and petrochemical industries.

Welding position & Current Condition: AC70/DC+

Packing: Cardboard/Plastic

Typical All-Weld Mechanical Properties:

U.T.S (N/mm2) Elong (%) CVN Impact FN
850 20 60 at RT 42-55

Typical Weld metal chemistry (wt. %)

C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo N2 Cu
0.023 1.60 0.65 25.50 8.50 3.5 0.2 1.75